Sri Y Hari Prasad
8th floor, VMRDA Udyog Bhavan, Siripuram
Ph.No: 98660 76911

Budgets Accounts Audit Reports


        The Department of Accounts oversees the Financial Management System of VMRDA and matters connected with accounts. It is responsible for payment of all Bills, Monitoring of Audit Comments / observations and Preparation of Accounts. It further assists the Metropolitan Commissioner so far as Finance and Accounts matters are concerned. Through its Internal Audit, it is responsible for maintaining the technical standards of Accounting in the Department and for financial performance. It also administers banking arrangements for disbursements and collection of receipts and interacts with the Banks for reconciliation of cash balances of VMRDA.


Role & Responsibilities of Accounts Department

  • The Chief Accounts Officer heads the Accounts Department:
  • Advise and assist the Metropolitan Commissioner on matters relating to Finance, Budget, Accounting, Expenditure Management, Establishment matters and personal claims of the employees.
  • Administer the payment and Accounting system including pay & allowances, office contingencies, loans & advances to VMRDA employees.
  • Expenditure Management through compilation and consolidation of monthly and Annual Expenditures of VMRDA.
  • Preparation of Annual Accounts for the year and forwarding them to the Accountant General for conducting Audit.
  • Preparation of Budget.
  • Liaison with the Internal Auditors and statutory Auditors i.e.., Accountant General of India.
  • Maintaining liaison with the Banks and Bank Reconciliation and review of balances and fixed deposits.
  • Verifying and reconciling all receipts & payments of VMRDA.
  • Speedy settlement of Pension and other retirement benefits & other personal claims.
  • Pre-check and passing of bills and issue of cheques for payment.
  • Preparation of MIS & other reports
  • Forwarding Annual Accounts along with the Audit Report for the year to the Government in MA & UD for placing before the legislative Assembly / Council
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