Tenneti Park on Visakha-Bheemili Beach Road:

Realizing the need to develop infrastructure for promotion of tourism at global level, VMRDA has taken up the widening of existing road between Visakha and Bheemili into a four-lane corridor. This project not only provides state of art transport facilities between the two major tourist port locations, but also earns global recognition to tourism at Visakhapatnam.

The 26 km road goes all along the beach from Visakhapatnam to Bheemili. The work is in progress. The first 2km stretch has been completed with all beautifications.

Widening of the road to 4-lane carriageway, 3 m wide central median with landscaping and 7.50 m carriageway on either side, Raised side footpaths and kerbs, Straight and improvement of curves, Widening of bridges & culverts, Central lighting, Either side landscaped avenues, view points on beachfront at selected places are some of the salient features of the Beach Road. . Kailasagiri, Tenneti Park, Kaartheekavanam, Thotlakonda, Bavikonda and Bheemunipatnam are the must-see locations on this Beach Road Tourist Corridor.
Beach Park is a unique recreational facility promoted on the new Beach Road near the existing Tenneti Park. One can enjoy the beauty of blue sea waters on one side and the lush greens of the Kailasagiri on the other side besides a number of attractions on both sides of the road. No doubt, your ride or visit to the Beach Road makes you to fell the Florida 19 mile drive in the USA.

Entry Fee:

Parking Fee: Car Parking (3 Hours) : Rs.10/-
Film or TV shootings: Rs.6, 000/- + GST 18%

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