Sri B Dayanidhi
3rd floor, VMRDA Udyog Bhavan, Siripuram
Ph.No: 94913 36822

  VMRDA - Estate WING

Estate wing in VMRDA is dealing with Lands Acquisition, Alienation of Government Lands in favour of VMRDA and Land Pooling Scheme. Protection of VMRDA Lands.

Staff Pattern

  1. Estate Officer/ Special Grade Deputy Collector. Head of the Department.
  2. Land Acquisition Officer/ Tahsildar
  3. Administrative Officer
  4. Deputy Tahsildars-2
  5. Special Revenue Inspectors-2
  6. Senior Assts. – 2
  7. Junior Asst. 0-1
  8. Architecture Draufts Man-1
  9. Surveyors-4
  10. Chinmans-4
  11. Attenders-2
  12. Computer Operators-2
Utilization of lands by VMRDA can be categorized among one of the following;
  • Formation of layout and development of Plots and disposal of the same.
  • Construction of houses/ flats in the lands and their disposal.
  • Lands developed into MP roads or other roads of VMRDA – here lands belong to VMRDA.
  • Selling of bulk lands for revenue generation.
  • Giving on lease basis for revenue generation without development.
  • Developing into assets of VMRDA like buildings, stadiums, shops, offices, etc., which can be put up for revenue /rent generation through allotment by auctioning or highest bidding
  • Developing into parks and other tourist schemes of VMRDA being maintained by VMRDA.
  • Lands covered under Hills/ Geddas/ other categories of lands which cannot be put into use.
  • Lands yet not developed and vacant as on today due to court cases.

Activities of Estate Wing In Detail

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